The 3 Top Tips To Consider When Planning For A Wall Tapestry

Whether you are deciding on a French tapestry, European tapestry or Belgian tapestry for your wall, one thing is certain and that is that planning appropriately can make a big difference in the outcome of your wall tapestry selection. Save On Tapestry is a leader in the online sales of a wide range of wall art and wall tapestries as well as other inspiring items intended to adorn the walls of your home. The company knows the importance of good planning when choosing a wall tapestry. That is why the following 3 tips are included here to help you make an informed decision when you select your next beautiful wall tapestry.

1. Color scheme

While there are certain colors that do indeed work better together, color is completely subjective and often best decided upon by those that will enjoy the particular piece of wall art. It is simple today to find many resources online that can help you coordinate colors in a professional way, however with that said, it is sometimes fun to just pick the colors that you enjoy the most. While most interior designers recommend that the colors in wall art do not repeat the colors of the walls or ceiling, some homeowners choose to select a particular piece of art that breaks those barriers.

2. Budget

A budget can also have a big impact on your selection of a particular type of wall hanging art. Those with a limited budget or limited income may choose more thrifty approaches to finding the perfect wall hanging art. While those with more disposable income may choose a more rare type of wall art such as antique tapestries or a vintage tapestry, for example, that is a collector’s piece. Whatever the case may be, planning to purchase art for your walls should always be predicated on your budgetary limits.

3. Theme

Choosing a new theme or going with an existing theme is a good starting point for choosing the right wall tapestry for your home. Even simple design themes like those using shapes such as squares and circles can be built upon with the right wall hanging tapestry. Many European tapestries, Belgian tapestries and French tapestries have geometric designs that can help to accent even the most simple of themes. It is also possible to build on the theme of a room with your wall art and then work outward to the rest of the room.


Save On Tapestry has been offering beautiful and elegant tapestries online for several years running and always provides quality customer service for those wishing to purchase their next beautiful piece of wall art online.

Author: Charlotte

Hi There! My name is Charlotte Noro and I am the marketing manager at, a wall decor store based in Northwest Washington. Ill be updating the blog with tidbits, how-to's, and art related news. Subscribe to our blog and stay up to date on the latest in wall art and home decor news.

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