No Dream Weaver


The Weaving Of Tapestry

In a recent article entitled “No Dream Weaver, Art of Tapestry Requires Patience and Strong Back” there is much to be garnered from the splendor of wall tapestries. The complete article in the Vineyard Gazette of Martha’s Vineyard Magazine can be read here.

Julia Mitchell is a seasoned and experienced tapestry weaver they recently gave an interesting talk entitled “Why Tapestry” in which she describes the uniqueness of tapestry weaving. She makes it clear that tapestry weaving is different from drawing and painting and even sculpting. The weaving of tapestry is special because you mix your color palette directly on the tapestry itself. The end result, she goes on to say, is stunning images that are only possible through the weaving process.

Ms. Mitchell offers weaving classes on the island for amateurs and longtime weavers alike. In her talk she mentions that there is a great mystery involved with weaving tapestry that draws so many to the art. Weaving a tapestry is hard work and incredibly time-consuming. She jokingly comments that behind each great woven tapestry work of art is a great chiropractor. She makes it clear that weaving a tapestry is a tedious process.

Another important point that is made in the talk is that weaving is an expensive form of freelance art. This is due to the fact that quality materials used in the weaving process are all organic and top quality. Sourcing unique and special yarns and linens as well as cotton is a difficult and expensive process. She talks about the fact that tapestries have been handcrafted since as far back as the 3rd century BC. In other words, Ms. Mitchell comments, weaving is in our very bones.

According to Mitchell, tapestry art was in its heyday during the Middle Ages in ancient Europe. This is where hand woven custom tailored tapestries decorated the walls of castles and churches. In many cases these old world tapestries were made using gold and silver threads. Many of these historically important tapestries survive today. This is a clear testament to the durability and quality of these tapestries.


Save On Tapestries is a trusted and respected name in the world of online tapestry sales. Contact this leading supplier of wall tapestries and other wall art today to learn more about beautiful artwork intended to enhance your interior design efforts and walls. Go online to today.

Author: Charlotte

Hi There! My name is Charlotte Noro and I am the marketing manager at, a wall decor store based in Northwest Washington. Ill be updating the blog with tidbits, how-to's, and art related news. Subscribe to our blog and stay up to date on the latest in wall art and home decor news.

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